The Re-opening of Churches for Private Prayer

Posted on the 8th Jun 2020

Trinity Sunday

Forward in Faith warmly welcomes the re-opening of churches for private prayer from 15 June. It has been a long period of exile for the faithful from their churches, including the entirety of Eastertide, and so this announcement marks a positive first step towards the resumption of the sacramental life, including public celebration of the Mass and reception of holy communion in churches. We are grateful to the Government for recognising in its announcement the benefits of praying in church; benefits which are not always available at home.


We pray that Christians may find spiritual solace and healing at this time of crisis through prayer and devotion in our country's familiar sacred spaces. We encourage all Christians to mark this year's Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is on 19 June, with the private recitation of prayers from this specially produced booklet either in church or at home, as circumstances allow. 


We are mindful that not all churches will be able to open immediately - for a variety of reasons - and ask that patience and understanding are paramount in those cases. Before visiting those churches which are able to open for private prayer, we urge all individuals to consult public health guidance - particularly those shielding at this time - and to act in strict accordance with its stipulations. 



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