National Assembly 2017
The 2017 National Assembly of Forward in Faithwas held at the Church of St Alban the Martyr, Holborn, on Saturday 18 November.
Texts and photographs are available from the links below:
Sermon by the Revd Philip Barnes Report by the Officers of Forward in Faith Giving an Account of the Hope that is In Us: A Visit to Rome - the Bishop of Ebbsfleet New Directions and Together - the Bishop of Fulham and Fr Darren Smith SSC The Tractarians and the Poor in History - Fr Ian McCormack SSC Anglo-Catholics and the Poor Today: Mapping the Constituency - Mrs Anne Gray The Religious Life: Vocations and Support - Br Steven Haws CR Mission Strategy - Fr Damian Feeney SSC The Mawer Report on Sheffield - Fr Paul Benfield SSC Meditation by Sister Mary Angela SSM
Photographs kindly provided by Mr Alan Martin