The National Assembly

The Forward in Faith National Assembly meets annually. It consists of:

  • Members of the Council of Forward in Faith
  • The Bishops of The Society
  • The Society Bishops' Representatives, the Dean for Scotland and the Credo Cymru Regional Deans
  • The Chairmen of Forward in Faith branches
  • A clerical and a lay representative from each Registered Parish
  • Representatives of those clergy and laity in each branch who are not members of Registered Parishes


The National Assembly has the power to amend the Constitution of Forward in Faith.

It elects the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen and a policy-making Council.


Texts, photographs and sound files from recent National Assemblies are available here.


The National Assembly last met on Saturday 22 May 2022 at the Church of St Alban the Martyr, Holborn.

Texts, photographs and sound files are available here.