2024 All Saints, Cheltenham: Report of the Independent ReviewerPosted on the 10th Aug 2015
Forward in Faith is grateful for Sir Philip Mawer’s report (available here).
Forward in Faith submitted this concern in order to establish a principle that is of general relevance to resolution parishes in multi-parish benefices. Sir Philip’s general recommendation (para. 37) that, in multi-parish team benefices that include a resolution parish, licences issued to female assistant clergy (other than members of the Team) should specify the nature and extent of the ministry they are authorized to undertake in the resolution parish establishes the principle that we thought it important to secure.
We trust that implementation of Sir Philip’s specific recommendation (para. 35) that fresh licences be issued in this case will draw a line under the matter. We join Sir Philip in hoping that the arrival of Bishop Rachel Treweek as the new diocesan bishop will provide an opportunity for all concerned to make a fresh start.
Forward in Faith continues to monitor implementation of the House of Bishops’ Declaration in the parishes closely. That we have only felt obliged to raise this one concern with the Independent Reviewer in the first nine months of its operation is encouraging.
+ TONY WAKEFIELD The Rt Revd Tony Robinson Chairman 10 August 2015
A helpful summary of the main point of Sir Philip's report has been published here.